01 Sep 17
Originally posted by @kellyjayI just like you to answer my questions and not evade them with a series of words that hasn't anything to do with my question.
Everyone has value, not sure what you want from me. We are all important, we are all much loved, we are all under the power of sin, we all need Jesus. What is confusing you
So you say that every christian has equal value?
Hitler as a christian has the same value as Mother Therese as a christian? Right or wrong?
Do you still think that there are no A-christians and B-christians?
01 Sep 17
Originally posted by @fabianfnasI don't know what a so called B-Christian is, that is something you made up. So anyone
If ones beliefs are not in line with Jesus' words - then one must surely be a B-christian? Only A-christians follow the word of Jesus, right?
you want to be a B-Christian is one I suppose, since it is you who define that term. With
respect, there are only Christians who know the Lord, because the Spirit of the Lord
dwells in them, then there are those who may claim the name, but don't know the Lord.
Those that don't know the Lord can make up their own rules, and attach Jesus' name to
the rules it doesn't matter, since as I told you if they don't have the Spirit of the Lord within
they don't belong to God. They can create rules, even using Jesus' name doing it, they
can tell everyone how great they are by their works, how they are this and that, and how
others fall short.
Both groups can screw up now and then, one will always due to Jesus grace, repent to
the Lord, and ask for forgiveness seeking God. The other might do that, or seek to
justify themselves in every way possible. By the fruit of someone's lives you might
recognize them, are they loving, kind, forgiving, and seek to live peaceably, or are they
self-righteous, judgmental, harsh, bitter, hateful, and so on.
Romans 8:9
You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
Ephesians 4:3-5English Standard Version (ESV)
3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Originally posted by @fabianfnasNot everyone who calls the Lord, Lord, actually has the Lord as Lord. Labels don't mean
I just like you to answer my questions and not evade them with a series of words that hasn't anything to do with my question.
So you say that every christian has equal value?
Hitler as a christian has the same value as Mother Therese as a christian? Right or wrong?
Do you still think that there are no A-christians and B-christians?
much really, you can call yourself anything you want, but the reality with God is, is Jesus
Christ your Lord and Savior or not? I don't mean are you giving God lip service, but
actually have sought out the Lord, and been given God's Spirit through Jesus Christ. I've
seen people who think they are Christian for a million different reasons, none of which
really had anything to do with Jesus Christ in their lives, except when its convenient to
them, or sociably acceptable.
Throughout human history, God has been working to recover us out of this world of sin.
He called out a man, who God turned into a nation, He tried to teach that nation His ways,
and they failed miserably, but still He worked with them giving them His law, and they
still failed. He caused a blood line within that race and predicted that the Messiah would
come through it, and Jesus did. Jesus full-filled the righteous requirements of God for us,
and even through He was sinless while on the planet He became sin for us, taking our
faults upon Himself so we could be saved. There is no other name by which we can be
It is not about class of people, class of Christian, it is ONLY about Jesus Christ there is
no other name by which we can be saved.
01 Sep 17
Originally posted by @kellyjayWhen I quote Jesus and ask your opinion of what Jesus said, I'd expect you to answer about what Jesus said.
Yes, and where they are not they should be.
That said, whose words do you except to see from me when you ask me a question?
When you write your opinion on any topic, you use someone else' words or you own?
You can give your words, but in the context of agreeing with Jesus or why you think Jesus was wrong.
Originally posted by @kellyjayAmen, KJ, amen!
Not everyone who calls the Lord, Lord, actually has the Lord as Lord. Labels don't mean
much really, you can call yourself anything you want, but the reality with God is, is Jesus
Christ your Lord and Savior or not? I don't mean are you giving God lip service, but
actually have sought out the Lord, and been given God's Spirit through Jesus Christ. I've ...[text shortened]... ss of Christian, it is ONLY about Jesus Christ there is
no other name by which we can be saved.
Originally posted by @fabianfnasThere are only those who are of God and those who are not. The ones who are not, but claim to be Christian are causing your confusion.
If ones beliefs are not in line with Jesus' words - then one must surely be a B-christian? Only A-christians follow the word of Jesus, right?
Originally posted by @fabianfnasI really don't know what you are on about with this "A-Christian" and "B-Christian" stuff or where you have dreamed this up from as another lame-ass attack on Christians, but let me try to explain this, and hopefully, you'll stop asking the same question over and over and over and over, no matter how many times KJ answers you.
If ones beliefs are not in line with Jesus' words - then one must surely be a B-christian? Only A-christians follow the word of Jesus, right?
"Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism
but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." -- Acts 10:34-35, NIV
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -- John 3:16, NIV
God does not show favoritism, but WHOEVER BELIEVES in him is saved. Whoever. Whether they be what you strangely call "A-Christians" or "B-Christians". Jew, or Gentile. Black, or white. Young, or old. Male, or female.
Originally posted by @suzianneI've asked the same question over and over again to get an answer and not avoidance. I've failed over and over again, as many times as I have asked the damn question that noone likes.
I really don't know what you are on about with this "A-Christian" and "B-Christian" stuff or where you have dreamed this up from as another lame-ass attack on Christians, but let me try to explain this, and hopefully, you'll stop asking the same question over and over and over and over, no matter how many times KJ answers you.
"Then Peter began to speak ...[text shortened]... tians" or "B-Christians". Jew, or Gentile. Black, or white. Young, or old. Male, or female.
Christians tends very well to divide people in "Us" and "The others". "We Saved" and "The Others". "We Going To Heaven" and "The Others". There are no "Everyone has the same value", that's sugar talk among people who have the illusion of being better than others.
Perhaps I should start a thread in the matters.
Suzianne - Do you think Hitler, as a catholic christian, has the same value as you have, in the eyes of God? Yes or No?
I think I know your answer, but I will be happy if you surprise me!
Originally posted by @fabianfnasYou are under the assumption I accept everyone who claims to be a Christian is. I don't! So I don't accept Hitler was one.
I've asked the same question over and over again to get an answer and not avoidance. I've failed over and over again, as many times as I have asked the damn question that noone likes.
Christians tends very well to divide people in "Us" and "The others". "We Saved" and "The Others". "We Going To Heaven" and "The Others". There are no "Everyone has the ...[text shortened]... he eyes of God? Yes or No?
I think I know your answer, but I will be happy if you surprise me!