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The Gospel of Jesus vs The Gospel of Paul

The Gospel of Jesus vs The Gospel of Paul


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03 Jan 13
05 Feb 18
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If you understood the later OT prophets, you might understand the reason the people will be forgiven and their sins remembered no more.

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness - (Leviticus 17:11 comp Hebrews 9:22)

Forgiveness is because judgment has been dispensed against the offender. The dept is PAID. It is not overlooked. It is PAID by the shedding of blood.

In the OT it was an animal's blood, leading up to and educating us that it would be the Son of God whose ONE atoning sacrifice covers all history, all mankind, all the world, for all eternity in its effectiveness.

I am forgiven because in Christ I was JUDGED.
Substitution takes place when I BELIEVE in the Son of God.

" That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

For with the heart there is believing unto righteousness , and with the mouth there is confession unto salvation." (Rom. 10:9,10)

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03 Jan 13
05 Feb 18
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It isn't because of a "redemptive work on the cross for salvation", an "atoning sacrifice" or anything like it.

At its foundation the Gospel certainly IS acceptance into communion with God because of His death and resurrection.

The cross in the Gospels, however, mostly is spoken of in relation to DENIAL of the self and following Christ instead.

Perhaps not 100%, but mostly.
References to "the cross" have to do with termination of the old self.

But the blood stands for redemption.

"Pick up his cross and follow Me" is about denial of following your SELF in order to follow Christ.

So also mostly in the epistles.

It is insane to think the ransom mentioned is not the atoning death of Christ as a propitiatory sacrifice - the antitype of the types of the Old Testament offerings

Once again, Jesus summing up the work He has just done and instructing His disciples after His resurrection.

"And He said to them, Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise up from the dead on the third day,

And that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem." (Luke 24:46,47)

And that is precisely what has happened in the history of the church, even in world history for that matter.


16 Feb 08
05 Feb 18

No one is interested sonship. People are going to hell while you are wasting your time in here.

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03 Jan 13
05 Feb 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
No one is interested sonship. People are going to hell while you are wasting your time in here.
You sound eager for men to be lost.
Why is that? That is rather sick.

Twisted wishful thinking there Divegeester.


15 Oct 06
05 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @divegeester
No one is interested sonship. People are going to hell while you are wasting your time in here.
Actually I'm interested in his response to my post. I'm going to wait until he's finished before I respond back.

Compared to you, jaywill is a font of substantive posts. With jaywill, at least there is sometimes some substance. With you, there is very rarely anything substantive.


15 Oct 06
05 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @sonship
[b] It isn't because of a "redemptive work on the cross for salvation", an "atoning sacrifice" or anything like it.

At its foundation the Gospel certainly IS acceptance into communion with God because of His death and resurrection.

The cross in the Gospels, however, mostly ...[text shortened]... precisely what has happened in the history of the church, even in world history for that matter.[/b]
Focus jaywill. I wrote that in context of Jeremiah. 31:34. You really need to learn how to keep context in mind.


16 Feb 08
05 Feb 18

Originally posted by @sonship
You sound eager for men to be lost.
Why is that? That is rather sick.

Twisted wishful thinking there Divegeester.
Dont pout mate, it’s very girly.

My comment is one you have heard before...why are you in here jizzing all over the forum while people are queuing up to be tortured in hell by your version Jesus?


15 Oct 06
05 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @sonship
[b] It isn't because of a "redemptive work on the cross for salvation", an "atoning sacrifice" or anything like it.

At its foundation the Gospel certainly IS acceptance into communion with God because of His death and resurrection.

The cross in the Gospels, however, mostly ...[text shortened]... precisely what has happened in the history of the church, even in world history for that matter.[/b]
Jaywill, do you plan on finishing this? Let me know when you're done and then I'll comment

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03 Jan 13
05 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @thinkofone
Focus jaywill. I wrote that in context of Jeremiah. 31:34. You really need to learn how to keep context in mind.

continued latter

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
05 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @divegeester
Dont pout mate, it’s very girly.

My comment is one you have heard before...why are you in here jizzing all over the forum while people are queuing up to be tortured in hell by your version Jesus?
My response is the same - your sick wishful thinking that in one form or another I have heard before.

Now, how do you know that no one is reading or paying attention? What is your method of obtaining those statistics?

Do you have a counter indicating how many Forum users have opened a particular thread comment ?


28 Oct 05
06 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @jacob-verville
How is this haughty?
If you are not talking about my character when you refer to things like my supposed lack of...

integrity, courage, honesty, boldness, honour, bravery, worth, inventiveness, creativity, smartness, praiseworthiness etc.

[gosh, you mentioned a lot of character attributes in a small amount of text]

...then what are you referring to?

And what exactly are you referring to when you talk about "flawed characteristics" if not my personality/character?

I guess you really showed me what was what with your list of abstract nouns/character flaws ~ followed by you disappearing.


28 Oct 05
06 Feb 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Now, how do you know that no one is reading or paying attention? What is your method of obtaining those statistics?

Do you have a counter indicating how many Forum users have opened a particular thread comment ?
How did you calculate that maybe "hundreds" of people on this web site faced eternal torture as a result of reading my words? What was your method of obtaining that statistic which you used to deflect whatever thing I'd said that you didn't like?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Feb 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
I assume the comments are about Jeremiah's prophecy of a new covenant.

Note that there is no mention of a "redemptive work on the cross for salvation", an "atoning sacrifice" or anything like it.
It is important to tie Jeremiah's words with Christ's words since both speak of "the new covenant"

While Jeremiah doesn't use "redemptive" or "atonement" in Jer. 31:32-34, "forgive". Jesus mentions "forgiveness of sins" in His teaching of "My blood of the covenant" (Matt. 26:28)

Jeremiah 31:24:
" But this is the covenant that I will make (v.33a) ... for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more." (v.34)

Compare with Jesus in Matt.26:28:
"For this is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out for many for forgiveness of sins." (v.28)

The new covenant involves forgiveness through the poured out blood of Christ. Every passage on Christ's work on the cross may not use ToO's insisted upon words - "atoning sacrifice" or "redemption".

Both are indicated in God's forgiveness.
Forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice - ie. pouring out His blood of the covenant, indicates both "redemption" and an "atoning sacrifice".

When you say "focus" it appears that you really mean make blurry.

When you say "Jesus' ministry as He walked on earth" you really mean the Jesus of your modernist imagination.

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03 Jan 13
06 Feb 18
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Originally posted by @thinkofone
You also don't understand what's being said in what you split up into 1, 2, 3. A large part of the reason that you don't understand it is likely because you DID split it up.

The connecting words makes it appropriate to section the prophecy out. Below I capitalize AND or FOR to indicate a good way to examine its parts. (But it may not the only way to organize it).

"I will put My law within them and write it upon their hearts;
I will be their God, and they will be My people
they will no longer teach, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, Know the Jehovah, for all of them will know Me, from the little one among them, to the great one among them,
I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

You have a real habit of splitting up both scripture and what people write on this forum. In the process you lose sight of the bigger picture.

I don't lose sight of the big picture. I try to help to see it.
I think your use of "focus" really means to make blurry the picture.

The order of the sections ends with forgiveness. The last section is about God's forgiveness. The first section is that God will write something into the inward parts of His people -

" ... this is the covenant which I will make ... I will put My laws within them and write it upon their hearts."

The larger picture is the God's GOAL is to impart His life and nature into man. This may be the reason the impartation of His law into living hearts is mentioned in front.

Based on His impartation of His law He gains a people and they gain a God by means of a life relationship.

All involved subjectively know God intimately. The inward knowledge no man can give and no man can take away.

All of this involves Him seeing His begotten people as if they had never sinned at all. Their iniquities and transgressions He forgives and will by no means remember anymore.

This is an excellent way to see the "big picture" of the purpose of God and the new covenant.

This methodology begets a failure to understand the written word.


I think the predetermined GOAL that you have is different from what the Bible teaches. It may be not effective to you because your predetermined goal is all about an anti-Christian "gospel" philosophy. - ie, the New Testament is not needed and not to be believed.

You have methods of your own to assure that that destination is reached when reading the Bible.


15 Oct 06
06 Feb 18
3 edits

Originally posted by @sonship
You also don't understand what's being said in what you split up into 1, 2, 3. A large part of the reason that you don't understand it is likely because you DID split it up.

The connecting words makes it appropriate to section the prophecy out. Below I capitalize AND or FOR to indicate a good way to examine its parts. (But it may not the ...[text shortened]...
You have methods of your own to assure that that destination is reached when reading the Bible.
C'mon jaywill. Almost invariably when I try to have a discussion with you, you split my posts into individual sentences and address each one separately as if each were an individual thought independent of any other sentence. You take them out of context. The problem is that they aren't individual thoughts independent of any other sentence. They work together to build a larger points. Points you fail to see. You've done it with my latest post as well.

It's not only true of my posts. It's true of other people's posts and scripture as well.

To compound it, you often take individual sentences out of context from disparate sources and cobble them together to make a picture that YOU want to see without regard for the intent of the authors.

All told, this methodology begets a failure to understand the written word. It makes it impossible to have a meaningful discussion with you. It makes it impossible for you to understand what's being said in Jeremiah 31. It makes it impossible for you to understand the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry. You have eyes but do not see. You have ears but do not hear:

No doubt, you'll fail to understand this post as well.

As for you're being able to understand points made via a series of related posts, there's absolutely no way that that can happen.

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