@kellyjay saidYou are like sonship. Little do you realise that you are making derogatory statements about the Gospel of Christ when you refer to them as pet scriptures [in a negative way]. Those who listen to Christ, are the sheep of Christ and these get eternal life. Those like you ... well, you will find out.
The whole Bible, not just your little pet scriptures.
You are preaching the teachings of Christ who advised people to better themsevles and to sin no more. These types of Christians do not agree with that doctrine. They preach that man is a filthy sinner, he cannot avoid constant sin and he can do nothing to better himself. He needs to profess faith in Christ who will forgive all sins. Any attempt to improve and better oneself as you suggest is an act of works salvation and a denial of Christ sacrifice on the cross, and this act leads to damnation.
Did you ever go in prayer and say "Lord Jesus, I just want to better myself, that's all."
His purpose is that all believers be conformed to His image. So why don't you pour out your concern for being a proper person before the Lord ?" Why does your intense desire to be the best person cause you to strive without turning your life completely over to Him?
You do believe he Lord Jesus is living and available don't you ?
Or is it that you have never believed that the Lord Jesus is living and available?
I doubt that your desire for self improvement was stronger than that of Saul of Tarsus.
@sonship saidLet me guess ... you did that right? You think there is one soul here that wants to become YOU !! Let me tell you, if you did pray and your heart is right with God and your intentions are genuine then God will guide you to the right place and right teachings.
[quote] You are preaching the teachings of Christ who advised people to better themsevles and to sin no more. These types of Christians do not agree with that doctrine. They preach that man is a filthy sinner, he cannot avoid constant sin and he can do nothing to better himself. He needs to profess faith in Christ who will forgive all sins. Any attempt to improve ...[text shortened]... able?
I doubt that your desire for self improvement was stronger than that of Saul of Tarsus.
In your case your prayer was ignored and Satan instead answered your prayer and led you to Witness Lee whose doctrine is contrary to Christ. You think God answers prayers and lead people to stray away from the doctrine of Christ? God ignored your prayer, becasue your heart is evil, and you drifted into the realm of the damned, learning how to condemn the commandments and preaching mouth worship, and here you are now promoting a failed doctrine and attempting to get others to join you.
Any attempt to improve and better oneself as you suggest is an act of works salvation and a denial of Christ sacrifice on the cross, and this act leads to damnation.
I know a Christian who when seeking God not knowing anything he prayed - "God I just want to do what's right."
I do not discourage your desire to do what is right or improve yourself.
Saul of Tarsus wanted to do what is right much more.
Then he wrote about abiding in Christ, Christ living in us, Christ the Lord being the life imparting Spirit united with our inner being.
He wrote of having no confidence in himself but taking Christ to be everything he needed. He spoke of being crucified with Christ, buried with Christ, raised with Christ, ascended with Christ, seated with Christ. Everything of his attainment was because of faith in his union with Christ.
Jesus said was the True Vine for the branches to abide in. The abiding branches derive their vitality, energy, and life supply from the riches of the True Vine.
Romans which you said was not part of the Gospel though it is called "the Gospel of God" tells us the consummation of Christ's salvation is not just that man be FORGIVEN. It is that we be conformed to the image of God's Son.
"Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers." (Rom. 8:29)
So you need the living Lord Jesus to be dispensed into your being. And this is not poetic speech. It is as close to what reality actually is - Jesus Christ coming into a man and living in a mingled united way transforming him from within.
It is not just that He because we need His blood for redemption and forgiveness of sins. It is also that He died to terminate the old man, the independent godless rebel man (whether good or evil), that He could fill man with Himself.
That is why Paul spoke not only of how wonderful it was to be forgiven. He spoke about how wonderful it was that he died and was buried and raised with Christ to walk in newness of life.
Its faith all the way. There is no "graduation" from faith for Jesus to be what we need. If it faith that He died for us. It is faith that He can live in us and be everything that we need to be conformed to the image of His Son.
@rajk999 saidJesus doesn’t disagree with what the Holy Spirit says through whom He chooses to speak to and through. If your in disagreement with scripture you have issues.
You are like sonship. Little do you realise that you are making derogatory statements about the Gospel of Christ when you refer to them as pet scriptures [in a negative way]. Those who listen to Christ, are the sheep of Christ and these get eternal life. Those like you ... well, you will find out.
@kellyjay saidI never said I was in disagreement with scripture at all. You are really a very stupid man. Here is what is going on in simple language :
Jesus doesn’t disagree with what the Holy Spirit says through whom He chooses to speak to and through. If your in disagreement with scripture you have issues.
The topic is the Gospel of Christ.
You are promoting the gospel of your church.
Your church gospel is based on the gospel of Paul,
Worse it is not even the correct gospel of Paul,
Several critical things that Paul said you are ignoring.
Now the Gospel of Christ is the message and teachings of Christ that the disciples went out to preach in Matt 10 and Luke 7, and this Gospel of Christ is about the following
- baptism and repentance
- righteousness and good works
- these are necessary for eternal life in the Kingdom of God
Your church gospel is a modified incorrect version of the gospel of Paul
- you are saved by grace through faith
- you have a free gift of eternal life
- no good works are required.
Your gospel is not what Jesus and the disciples preached, and it is certainly not
the whole of what Paul preached.
The man with the issues is the man who has departed from the Gospel of Christ ... I am on the rock who listens to Christ. You ... well you are nowhere.
@rajk999 saidDo you think Jesus is just another guy with an opinion, or the Word of God?
I never said I was in disagreement with scripture at all. You are really a very stupid man. Here is what is going on in simple language :
The topic is the Gospel of Christ.
You are promoting the gospel of your church.
Your church gospel is based on the gospel of Paul,
Worse it is not even the correct gospel of Paul,
Several critical things that Paul said you are ...[text shortened]... rom the Gospel of Christ ... I am on the rock who listens to Christ. You ... well you are nowhere.
@kellyjay saidYou have the gall to ask me that ??? Ask yourself that. You are the one following after the gospel of your church.
Do you think Jesus is just another guy with an opinion, or the Word of God?
Jesus never preached
- saved by grace
- free gift of eternal life.
If he did please provide the references.
@rajk999 saidIts a simple question, Jesus asked those with Him who they say He is. Who is Jesus according to you? Not sure what you find offensive about that.
You have the gall to ask me that ??? Ask yourself that. You are the one following after the gospel of your church.
Jesus never preached
- saved by grace
- free gift of eternal life.
If he did please provide the references.
@sonship saidWhy not just admit the truth. There are none
References won't do you any good.
No references for
- saved by grace
- free gift of eternal life.
in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
God hates liars. In fact I bet God hates everything about you. You are a false teacher, a false prophet, a liar, a deceiver, a charlatan, a sycophant following after a cult, an arrogant boaster and you encourage disobedience to the commandments of Christ.
@kellyjay saidWhere is the answer to the simple question I asked you about where those teachings are in the Gospel of Christ ?
Its a simple question, Jesus asked those with Him who they say He is. Who is Jesus according to you? Not sure what you find offensive about that.
Anyway I answered your question already in this same thread. When your back is in a corner regarding your false doctrines you resort to cross-questioning me about other matters. .. you are getting more and more like that fool sonship.
@rajk999 saidI shared scripture for what I believe and I have talked about why. You are vague about what you consider the gospel, because you consistently avoid pointing to direct scripture references. You waffle on responding to simple requests for clarification as who Jesus is according to you. You are good about dishing out insults that seems to be the only thing you are consistent about.
Where is the answer to the simple question I asked you about where those teachings are in the Gospel of Christ ?
Anyway I answered your question already in this same thread. When your back is in a corner regarding your false doctrines you resort to cross-questioning me about other matters. .. you are getting more and more like that fool sonship.
How you delink everyone’s writing from Christ makes me wonder who He is according to you. Why is the Gospel only valid in the hidden scripture you refuse to identify.
@kellyjay saidLiar
I shared scripture for what I believe and I have talked about why. You are vague about what you consider the gospel, because you consistently avoid pointing to direct scripture references. You waffle on responding to simple requests for clarification as who Jesus is according to you. You are good about dishing out insults that seems to be the only thing you are consistent ab ...[text shortened]... He is according to you. Why is the Gospel only valid in the hidden scripture you refuse to identify.