@fmf saidThat probably was his argument. (Or something close to it).
divegeester said even the atonement of Jesus Himself wasn't altruistic
Perhaps, in accordance with divegeester's hardline definition of altruism, he thought Jesus had something to gain by allowing himself to be executed for sedition.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI think he is able to argue his corner well on just about every issue. My reasons for finding things like "the Trinity" and the Doctrine of Atonement to be convoluted and incoherent - my scrutiny of them, effectively - are no secret.
Is Dive's position so weak to your thinking that it can't endure public scrutiny?
I appreciate your position sir, and we can amicably agree to disagree, though i would draw your attention to the point that Dr Cann established common ancestry through the femail line. On this point I would concede that she wasn't claiming to have proven the existence of Eve of garden of Eden fame.
-Removed-Raj's post "The answer is simple, but you do not want to hear it. They have to stop living sinfully and await the judgment of God. The problem is that your church preaches to people this 'once saved always saved' nonsense doctrine, which is not in the bible and then ask these questions when faced with clear statements from Paul and other Apostles that there is no inheritance in the Kingdom of God if the born-again Christian reverts to a sinful lifestyle."
Raj is correct. There is no such thing as once saved always saved, that isn't what is the scriptures say. The scripture that I quoted from Matthew 7 makes that clear.