@yo-its-me saidThe alternative is that all pensioners receive the allowance, even the wealthy ones who don't need it, which doesn't seem right.
It's means tested now. And I agree with that approach.
With some exceptions (PIP, Bereavement Support payments etc) such allowances and benefits should be means tested.
@yo-its-me saidGood to know you agree with people being means tested to assess benefit eligibility.
I hoped you'd read my reply tbh.
I guess I'll repeat it.
It's means tested now. And I agree with that approach. That your mum can afford to heat her home is a good thing, be glad.
@vivify saidYes, Palestinians are animals, because they support Hamas, they celebrate the death of Jews, they teach their children to kill Jews, and they are sick evil people, who can go to hell. So F them and F anyone who supports them.
You called Palestinians "animals" before lumping them in with Hamas and saying "Palestinians and their supporters should go to hell". That's not "disagreement". That's hate.
There's no point debating with someone like you except as proof that right-wingers are worthless trash.
The only reason why you do not want to debate me is that you have no facts.... get some then we can talk.
@divegeester saidDon't you?
Good to know you agree with people being means tested to assess benefit eligibility.
It's a benefit to help people pay to keep warm.
The Tories only gave it based on age because they wanted the votes from people in that age bracket and it worked, that little bit of extra money made those people feel valued by the Tories. Labour's voters are young, I'm sure Labour will come up with something aimed at the young voters when it comes to the next election. That's politics.
There are five ways people can become eligible for benefits in the UK:
1) To pay the extra costs having a condition cause (DLA, PIP, AA).
2) Because they were insured and a change happens where they can use their NI credits to make a claim (New Style ESA, New Style JSA and State Retirement Pension) Or, in the case of Bereavement payment their partner was.
3) Because they had been employed and then something happened (Statutory Payments and Industrial Disablement Benefit).
4) Because they are caring for children or someone who is disabled (Carer's Allowance, Child Benefit and Guardians Allowance).
5)To meet basic needs where finances are not enough (legacy benefits, Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Council Tax Reduction and various other discretionary pots or funds).
That sounds like a nice, fair system, doesn't it. But then all these rules cut people who need the means-tested benefits, out of eligibility. Primarily:
2 child limit
Benefit cap
Right to Reside/ no recourse to public funds
Being sanctioned
There are a lot of problems with the benefits system and it's expensive to administer.
@Rajk999 saidA clear example of how much hate you have in you.
Yes, Palestinians are animals, because they support Hamas, they celebrate the death of Jews, they teach their children to kill Jews, and they are sick evil people, who can go to hell. So F them and F anyone who supports them.
The only reason why you do not want to debate me is that you have no facts.... get some then we can talk.
@yo-its-me saidYou are a deluded Jew-hating C..T. Palestinians have as their stated agenda to kill Jews. You clearly support that agenda.
A clear example of how much hate you have in you.
@Rajk999 saidBecause I am not spouting hate in a direction where you hate, I hate in the opposite direction?
You are a deluded Jew-hating C..T. Palestinians have as their stated agenda to kill Jews. You clearly support that agenda.
That's some bizarre....I don't even want to say 'logic' because it's not logical at all. Perhaps you are not capable of logic.
Here we have a good example of what I believe about humans. That is, once someone thinks in their brain that there is a hierarchy to humans their brain shrinks. We all saw it on posters when we were young [https://www.dandad.org/awards/professional/1996/posters/21199/racist-brain/].
We are all equal and have a very high value. Doesn't matter how much wealth you have or how lucky you have been in your life: your value is the same as everyone else. Children know it. To close off that knowledge shrinks your brain. Unfortunately, Rajk, being retired, I don't expect you will be able to unshrink it now. Hate is going to be your language till your last breath.
@yo-its-me saidYou have hate my friend don’t kid yourself.
Because I am not spouting hate in a direction where you hate, I hate in the opposite direction?
That's some bizarre....I don't even want to say 'logic' because it's not logical at all. Perhaps you are not capable of logic.
Here we have a good example of what I believe about humans. That is, once someone thinks in their brain that there is a hierarchy to humans their b ...[text shortened]... expect you will be able to unshrink it now. Hate is going to be your language till your last breath.
Just one two second find of the actual topics brought up.
Congress finds the following:
(1) In 2016 and 2017, the Palestinian Author- ity published modified curricula for school- aged children in grades 1 through 11.
(2) Textbooks used by the Palestinian Au- thority (PA) in the West Bank and Gaza in- clude graphics portraying violence against Israeli soldiers, positive portrayals of indi- viduals who have committed attacks against citizens of Israel, and references to Pales- tinian efforts to target the ‘‘Zionists’’.
(3) PA textbooks are used at schools spon- sored by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) because UNRWA schools use the textbooks of the host govern- ment.
(4) On April 26, 2018, the Government Ac- countability Office (GAO) published a report that found the following:
(A) Textbooks in PA schools feature inac- curate and misleading maps of the region and include militaristic, adversarial imagery and content that incite hatred.
(B) The Department of State raised with Palestinian officials the objectionable con- tent in textbooks, including a specific math problem using the number of Palestinian casualties in the First and Second Intifadas.
(C) The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), in its review of the text- books, identified content not aligned with United Nations values, the majority of which content related to neutrality or bias issues, including issues related to maps and ref- erences to Jerusalem as the capital of Pal- estine.
It is the sense of Congress that the Pales- tinian Authority has not sufficiently elimi- nated content and passages encouraging vio- lence or intolerance toward other countries or ethnic groups from the curriculum used in their schools.
@mike69 saidExactly .. nice summary of the evil of the Palestinians. Their aim is to eliminate the Jews, and to teach their children their evil ways.
You have hate my friend don’t kid yourself.
Just one two second find of the actual topics brought up.
Congress finds the following:
(1) In 2016 and 2017, the Palestinian Author- ity published modified curricula for school- aged children in grades 1 through 11.
(2) Textbooks used by the Palestinian Au- thority (PA) in the West Bank and Gaza in- clude graphics portraying vi ...[text shortened]... toward other countries or ethnic groups from the curriculum used in their schools.
@Rajk999 saidSeems logic would have an answer to this problem like …No you can’t do this if we’re paying.
Exactly .. nice summary of the evil of the Palestinians. Their aim is to eliminate the Jews, and to teach their children their evil ways.
(3) PA textbooks are used at schools spon- sored by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) because UNRWA schools use the textbooks of the host govern- ment.
@mike69 saidYes indeed and yet people like Yoitsme support the Palestinians with their evil agenda.
Seems logic would have an answer to this problem like …No you can’t do this if we’re paying.
(3) PA textbooks are used at schools spon- sored by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) because UNRWA schools use the textbooks of the host govern- ment.
@Cliff-Mashburn saidTheir country is not beinf taken over.
Maybe they are sick of Muslims and Africans taking over their country.
And, it would be rather hypocrite, considering Britain’s history, eh…