Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread

Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread



Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
18 May 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
'twas a grievous error of command. Clearly, my messenger did not make it in time.
When he turns up he should be drawn and quartered.

I can do that!

23 Aug 04
18 May 06

Originally posted by dyl
Napoleon can hunker down in England for the time being. Meanwhile, perhaps you'd care to cast your eyes over my war plans?'s_Album/NeapolitanWarPlans.jpg

Edit: They may be a little too technical to follow for the general public.
Let me tell you; hiding in England when the enemy has naval superiority and you're relying on Naples and the Turks to support you doesn't work so well.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 May 06

Originally posted by dyl
Napoleon can hunker down in England for the time being. Meanwhile, perhaps you'd care to cast your eyes over my war plans?'s_Album/NeapolitanWarPlans.jpg

Edit: They may be a little too technical to follow for the general public.
Your "war plans" should be concerned with what surrender terms you feel appropriate to beg for now that Napoleon is defeated.


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
18 May 06

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Let me tell you; hiding in England when the enemy has naval superiority and you're relying on Naples and the Turks to support you doesn't work so well.
The new Naples actually has a land army and is receiving donations from the Africans for our excellent lessons on how to be less backward (Thread 43430).


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
18 May 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Your "war plans" should be concerned with what surrender terms you feel appropriate to beg for now that Napoleon is defeated.
You didn't like my picture? Not even the German girl with the big breasts?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 May 06

Originally posted by dyl
You didn't like my picture? Not even the German girl with the big breasts?
German girls with big breasts are always appreciated. But the war is over.


14 May 03
18 May 06

Well after checking the turnfile , this is a moderate victory for the alliance of the right and just (no not you guys) the Ottomans had to spend big to counter against the invasion into Asia Minor. 3 Large Russian armies have begun the shutdown of Eastern Europe. Oh and there were some battles in Western Europe.

Spain dont think you building ships in England is missed for a second. Better spend you money somewhere where it can be used.

Dyl, you have almost exhausted your chance to back out of your bad choice. As a fellow aussie l give you one more turn before l make your Venetian women my little biatches.


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
18 May 06
1 edit

Originally posted by nook7
Dyl, you have almost exhausted your chance to back out of your bad choice. As a fellow aussie l give you one more turn before l make your Venetian women my little biatches.
Oi, I'm advancing; I have a General with infantry tactics 10; I've also basically gained control of most of Germany, not to mention my fabulous olive oil. I should be the one setting the ultimatums.

Joachim I, King of Naples


14 May 03
18 May 06

Dyl, it will take one or two turns max before King Klaus closes the gate on your little party. Dont come begging to kind uncle Russai when the gates of Rome are blown wide open.

See BBill and l have catering negotiations going on at the moment. All you offered was rubbish Italian music!!!!
BBill hasn't even thrown in his bellydancing trump card yet!


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
18 May 06
1 edit

Originally posted by nook7
Dyl, it will take one or two turns max before King Klaus closes the gate on your little party. Dont come begging to kind uncle Russai when the gates of Rome are blown wide open.

See BBill and l have catering negotiations going on at the moment. All you offered was rubbish Italian music!!!!
BBill hasn't even thrown in his bellydancing trump card yet!
The Alliance have cut the German supply lines in twain. As the French have been applying a 'scorched earth' policy as they retreat, there will be quite a few hungry Germans before too long.

Speaking of food, I'm famished. When is this 'do' exactly? If wonderful opera doesn't agree with the Russian palate, perhaps I can bring a few lamingtons or something else that's cheap.


14 May 03
18 May 06

Originally posted by dyl
The Alliance have cut the German supply lines in twain. As the French have been applying a 'scorched earth' policy as they retreat, there will be quite a few hungry Germans before too long.

Speaking of food, I'm famished. When is this 'do' exactly? If wonderful opera doesn't agree with the Russian palate, perhaps I can bring a few lamingtons or something else that's cheap.
Dyl, you will find King Klaus and my Swedish colleague are amply able to produce sufficient troops to stop this little excursion, while your fellow alliance members are withering away.

Speaking of the banquest , some lamingtons would go nicely for dessert along with some Turkish delights - washed down with some Raki. The Russians are not partial to opera, to many bad experiences. The little extravanganza is a celebration to the end of Ottoman rule in Europe. It is quite big of BBill to host it dont you think!

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 May 06

Originally posted by dyl
The Alliance have cut the German supply lines in twain. As the French have been applying a 'scorched earth' policy as they retreat, there will be quite a few hungry Germans before too long.

Speaking of food, I'm famished. When is this 'do' exactly? If wonderful opera doesn't agree with the Russian palate, perhaps I can bring a few lamingtons or something else that's cheap.
You don't want to know what my production is, dear King. There's plenty of supplies in Italy which is where we'll be headed if you keep sending all your troops into the trap that is being prepared. And you haven't taken an inch of German territory yet, forget about "most of Germany". Better buy an atlas.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
19 May 06

This week's Power Ratings:

1. Prussia 1
2. Naples 6
3. Russia 3
4. Spain 4
5. Ottomans 7
6. Austria 8
7. Sweden 5
8. France 2
9. Algeria 9

Eliminated: Bavaria, England

France took a nosedive losing Paris + 2 other provinces and almost their entire army on the Continent. Naples made a move up; we'll see how long they can stay there. The Swedes took a big hit in their armies but didn't lose any net Gold value.


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
19 May 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
This week's Power Ratings:

1. Prussia 1
2. Naples 6
3. Russia 3
4. Spain 4
5. Ottomans 7
6. Austria 8
7. Sweden 5
8. France 2
9. Algeria 9

Eliminated: Bavaria, England

France took a nosedive losing Paris + 2 other provinces and almost their entire army on the Continent. Naples made a move up; we'll see how long they can stay there. The Swedes took a big hit in their armies but didn't lose any net Gold value.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
19 May 06

Originally posted by nook7
Well after checking the turnfile , this is a moderate victory for the alliance of the right and just (no not you guys) the Ottomans had to spend big to counter against the invasion into Asia Minor. 3 Large Russian armies have begun the shutdown of Eastern Europe. Oh and there were some battles in Western Europe.

Spain dont think you building ships in Englan ...[text shortened]... s a fellow aussie l give you one more turn before l make your Venetian women my little biatches.
Spain dont think you building ships in England is missed for a second. Better spend you money somewhere where it can be used.

I didn't expect them to be missed "for a second". Their purpose is purely for the diversion of a significant part of the Northern Navy to the Celtic Sea to contain my fleet. It opens up some more possibilities.

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