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Questions for Deification Deniers

Questions for Deification Deniers


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
31 Jan 22
4 edits

We ain't gonna walk on water.

The book of Hebrews says we have "tasted" of the powers of the coming age.
That means a little foretaste in some measure.
We know not what that fullest taste may be.

We know:
1.) Tasted of the powers of the coming age of manifestation of the sons of God:

" . . . and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come . . . " (Heb. 6:4b,5)

2.) Greater things according to Christ's estimation of what is "greater" according to His priorities are for us.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes into Me, the works which I do he shall do also, and greater than these he shall do because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12)

3.) In the condition of utter oneness, utter living unity in Him and with one another we may ask whatever we will and He will do it for us. We will learn to ask according to His will as the need arises. So what we will will be His will we ask for. The sky is the limit.

"If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7)

The context is certainly asking for fruit to be born from Christ the true Vine and we as the abiding branches in the vine.

"And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Truly, truly I say to you, Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give to you. Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be made full." (John 16:23,24)

This is why the unity and the oneness of the Body of Christ in love is critical. This is not the asking amiss. This is the oneness of His church asking Him for the great things and greater things in His name - meaning in HIm, in His Person.

He is made the head over all things, transmitting this authority to His church.

"And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all." (Eph. 1:22,23)

If you are saying deification has its limits then you are saying what I have been saying. We grow up into Him in all things Who is the Head. That is in all things God the Father intends that we grow up into the Son in.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
31 Jan 22
5 edits

The Apostle John is using the seed of God to illustrate that the life and nature of God Himself automatically overcomes sin.

And the believers are in possession of that divine seed because it abides in them.
So to that degree the life, nature, and expression of the sin overcoming God is
available to them as well.

"Everyone who has been begotten of God . . . "

No, not just local church people.
No, not just Christians who agree with sonship or his LSM publications.

But - "Everyone . . . who has been begotten of God. . ."

"Everyone who has been begotten of God does not pratice sin, because His seed abides in him and he CANNOT sin because he has been betotten of God." (1 JOhn 3:9)

The reason for the victory over the practiciing of sin is given - the divine seed with its nature, life, and expression. They have beome available to everyone who has been begotten of God.

Kevin Eleven

06 May 15
31 Jan 22
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@sonship said

The Apostle John is using the seed of God to illustrate that the life and nature of God Himself automatically overcomes sin.

And the believers are in possession of that divine seed because it abides in them.
So to that degree the life, nature, and expression of the sin overcoming God is
available to them as well.

[b]"Everyone who has ...[text shortened]... ts nature, life, and expression. They have beome available to everyone who has been begotten of God.
Now let's talk about the Divine Womb before Momma God rings the dinner bell for the kids to get home. 😉

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
31 Jan 22
1 edit


Let's not talk about what you suggest we waste time on.

You have once again had your moment of showing off your wit.
Be happy with that.
No one can out clown you here.

Be happy with that dubious distinction.

Kevin Eleven

06 May 15
31 Jan 22
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@sonship said

Let's not talk about what you suggest we waste time on.

You have once again had your moment of showing off your wit.
Be happy with that.
No one can out clown you here.

Be happy with that dubious distinction.
Dear Sonship, where do you think wit comes from? 😉

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 Jan 22
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@rajk999 said
The scriptures teach that only the righteous are the sons of God / children of God, while the unrighteous are the children of the Devil. It has nothing to do with believers and unbelievers. There are professed believers who live in sin, and there are people who know no God and still live righteously as Romans 2 states

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth no ...[text shortened]... eth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. (1 John 3:2-10 KJV)
The sons of God are those God makes the sons of God.

Your two cents notwithstanding.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 Jan 22
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@avalanchethecat said
I don't have to pay for it, I'm married. 😀

Wait, what am I talking about... I pay and pay.
I know the feeling sir.

Kevin Eleven

06 May 15
31 Jan 22
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@josephw said
The sons of God are those God makes the sons of God.
Careful, J. âš 

As I am sure you know, there are people standing by to twist that sincere utterance into damning evidence that you are cool with the so-called "gay agenda".

Kevin Eleven

06 May 15
31 Jan 22
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@ghost-of-a-duke said
Sonship is using the seed analogy as another angle to him being deified by this divine seed, in a similar fashion to the demi-gods of Olympus being deified by receiving Ambrosia.
If men actually had seeds, wouldn't some women somewhere have seed-spitting contests?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 Jan 22
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@sonship said

In another post I said I don't believe Jesus "overcame the world" through the Devine nature.

Yes He did so as a man.
But as a man who denied Himself and lived by the Father, the Divine Father.

He denied Himself, took up His cross thoughout life and lived by the Father.

"I can do nothing from Myself; as I hear, I ju ...[text shortened]... I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me." (John 6:57)
I can't find the word "devine" in the Bible.

Kevin Eleven

06 May 15
31 Jan 22
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@sonship said
The book of Hebrews says we have "tasted" of the powers of the coming age.
There was also a western Buddhist named Ken Wilber who had a book out called "One Taste" -- unfortunately that seemed about as brainstemmy as anything Paul or previous and subsequent God-promoters tried to promote.

Executive summary: no promotion necessary. We are here, and here we are.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
01 Feb 22
2 edits


I can't find the word "devine" in the Bible.

In another post I said I don't believe Jesus "overcame the world" through the Devine nature.

I did not write this.
But it does contains a wrong spelling.

Kevin Eleven

06 May 15
01 Feb 22

@josephw said
I can't find the word "devine" in the Bible.
Write that two more times and you will be devined.

Kind of like Candyman.

Don't do it.

Also, do not go up into that attic room where we told you not to go.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
01 Feb 22
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I find no such thing taught in the scriptures.

"In some sense"? What sense? How do you gleen that idea from the scriptures?

The scriptures teach that we "are the sons of God".

Why add to that?

We do not feel we are adding to Scripture.
Some eight hundred or so if someone said "By faith were are justified before God" some would have argued that this is adding to Scripture.

"But this was giving due attention to what was written there.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
01 Feb 22
4 edits

you know that Nicodemus, when told by Jesus that he had to be born again asked about this. He said how can a man be born when he is old. He cannot go back into his mother's womb and be born.

Let me ask you to tell me. If a man is already born once and is an adult exactly WHAT is it that he is REBORN so as to be "born anew?"

Is his physical life born all over again? What is it that is born?

"Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born anew." (John 13:7)

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