@secondson saidI think assertions like this are little more than you bigging-up your certainty about your beliefs.
Clearly they are threatened by our faith in the immutable and infallible Word of God. We believe God and what He says, but they obviously don't.
@secondson said"Faith"?
But you do have faith that Jesus didn't rise from the grave.
I don't find the Bible a credible source to support the claims that Christians make about the events and the significance of Jesus' life. I lack the beliefs that you do.
@secondson saidBut you clearly said, a few pages ago, that you think people like me are "threatened" by your beliefs.
They weren't made as threats.
@secondson saidDo you accept that, unlike you, they believe that those who lack belief in Jesus will be tormented in burning flames for eternity?
Well, I never heard them say they believe God tortures anyone.
22 Sep 19
@secondson saidHe takes things others say, changes the meaning of the words and even assigns to them a motivation when he wants. When he assigns meaning and intentions and alters other's words, he supports the things he says over what they have not. For one who thinks all truth is relative, holding others accountable for things they didn't say as if they did is a bit odd.
Well, I never heard them say they believe God tortures anyone.
@secondson saidYou love yourself and you recently said that the commandments of Jesus is a burden which was removed and I am trying to burden people. That makes you a liar.
Wrong. I love Jesus' commandments. I disdain your lies.
@kellyjay saidYou either believe that those who lack belief in Jesus will be tormented in burning flames for eternity or you don't.
He takes things others say, changes the meaning of the words and even assigns to them a motivation when he wants.
Simpering to SecondSon about how you get your feathers ruffled from time to time is just a dodge.
Do you believe that those who lack belief in Jesus will be tormented in burning flames for eternity? Yes or no?
@kellyjay saidThings you "didn't say"?
For one who thinks all truth is relative, holding others accountable for things they didn't say as if they did is a bit odd.
Clear it up once and for all now, then: do believe that those who lack belief in Jesus will be tormented in burning flames for eternity?
Be clear and then be prepared to be held accountable for what your unequivocally stated belief is.